Products Melamine formaldehyde powder resin LA

Melamine formaldehyde powder resin LA

Glaze LA is a powder melamine formaldehyde resin used for glazing amino moulded articles. It is used in powder form for glazing application. It imparts a very high gloss to the surface of the moulded article. The moulded articles treated with glaze LA display improved resistance towards water, staining, cigarette burns and abrasion.

Parameter Flow CT Humidity pH (1:1) at 20 0C Cloud time at 1000C
Value H 25 – 35 < 1 9 ± 0.5 280 – 330
Unit mmx10-2 sec % pH units sec
Appearance White free flowing powder

  • Glazing of amino molded articles especially table wares.

Packing:  • 25 Kg. net laminated polyethylene bags.


Handling: It is advisable to wear a dust mask and hand gloves while emptying the bags. Hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and hot water at the end of the working day and before meals.         


Storage: The powder resin should be stored in the original bags in a cool place protected from heat and humidity. Do not keep the bags open or material exposed to the atmosphere. Glaze LA being hygroscopic would pick up moisture, Which would affect the quality and performance of the product adversely. The bags which have been opened should be carefully closed before storage. The recommended storage temperature is 20 – 25 0C for 6 months.


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